March 15, 2020
109 view(s) Blog
January 16, 2020
1145 view(s) Why use a Candle Follower and Minimum Candle Burn Times
Candle Followers
Candle followers, also referred to as candle burners or wax savers, are available in all sizes to fit the largest Paschal candle to the smallest Altar candle. Properly fitting candles with followers will insure maximum burning time and minimize the potential for problems.
January 14, 2020
74 view(s) Caring for a Burning Candle
Care While Burning
- Try not to disturb candles that are performing satisfactorily.
- Place candles out of the way of drafts. Airflow from sources such as ceiling fans, heating or air conditioning ducts, or perhaps an open sacristy door, may need to be redirected.
January 8, 2020
110 view(s) Lighting and Extinguishing Candles
- Seat a properly sized candle FIRMLY and VERTICALLY STRAIGHT in the candlestick. Tilted candles may cause irregular burning and dripping.
- Approximately 3/4-inch of EXPOSED WICK is recommended for efficient burning. Trim if necessary